Monday, April 20, 2015



All things made new.


Working to get it RIGHT.

Spring is representative of brand new life. An opportunity to redirect.

Setting things right.

Choices.........We get to make new and different choices to help move us along our journey.

Acceptance and Trusting that in life at any given moment we are where we are meant to be.

May not always feel good. But everything that we go through and experience in life is all part of the MASTER PLAN which is to help us to be the people we are meant to be and to fufill our purpose here on earth.

It may be for a lesson that we ourselves our meant to learn to break free or it may be to help a loved one,family,friend or stranger to become the people they are meant to become.

GRATITUDE for being an ENERGY on this planet to be of SERVICE not only to others but to be of SERVICE to OURSELVES is extremly important.

It is necessary that we CARE for ourselves in a LOVING & HEALTHY way.

It is only after placing ourselves on  the TOP OF OUR LIST for self care/self love that we are able to fully be of services to others.

Life is not always easy........Often one must go through extreme HARDSHIP to reach it's potential and find it's purpose.

The flower as example does not become the Beauty it was meant to be,  if it does not blossom and break through......WE AS PEOPLE ARE THE SAME.


It is our job and our MISSION TO BREAK FREE...........WE ALL OWE IT TO OURSELVES.

The 11th Hour

 The 11th Hour. We are quickly approaching the end of another year. This year like all my years have been colored by much loss. As of this w...