Tuesday, January 9, 2018



The beautiful thing about celebrating a New Years we get to begin to start over.

We get to BEGIN AGAIN.

We have a clean  slate


What we do with this fresh start is up to us.

A lot of it depends on choices we make as we move into a brand new space.

We also need to trust that there will be obstacles, challenges and setbacks that will either stop us dead in out tracks or will redirect our energies and move forward.

Usually this time of of year we take some alone time/quite time to REFLECT.

Reflect on the past 365 days and how we spent them. We also set goals and set our intentions for the next 365.

The new year is a magical time of year, We get a do over if things did not go as we liked. We can make a conscious effort to do things differently that hopefully will give us are desire for how we want to exist in the new year.


We must be grateful for all that we are and all that we have and all that we would like to appear in our lives.

We have the POWER to create the space we want to exist in.

We need to come together so we can create a different tomorrow for all of us in 2018.

God Bless.  Happy New Year.  Let's Soar into the New Year.


The 11th Hour

 The 11th Hour. We are quickly approaching the end of another year. This year like all my years have been colored by much loss. As of this w...