DAY 365
Another one for the history books.
Reflecting back on 2015 it was a year of STRUGGLE & SUCCESS.
The struggle & loss in 2015 was REAL & HURT for me personally and for all of us globally.
I feel as though this year has flown by for the most part. I also feel like it has dragged ON & ON.
The year was pretty uneventful and unsatisfying for me CREATIVELY.
I allowed myself to get SIDE TRACKED with a Survival job.
I am grateful for the job. But I allowed it to SUCK UP ALL OF MY ENERGY.
I was unable to balance working the survival job and than finding the energy to pursue my creative life.
No one to blame but ME.
I just gave up.
Los Angeles has never creatively inspired me. So I basically threw in the towel.
It made the year a very challenging one for me emotionally.
I was not living authentically. So I am very happy to move on from 2015 and enter 2016 with a plan to live the life that I want to live.
Again it comes down to CHOICES.
This year I played it SAFE.
I hope as we close out 2015 all of my friends and family who have faced struggle, hardship and loss. My wish for all of us is that we SAIL into 2016 with blessings of PEACE, JOY,HEALTH,ABUNDANCE,PROPERTY,LOVE & GRATITUDE.
Peace & Friendship
A new chapter begins tomorrow for ALL OF US.
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