We can either change with the times or resist change. OUR CHOICE.
I can tell you from alot of experience, resisting change is not only exhausting it leaves one extremely frustrated.
Change of season is one of my favorites. With the change of season you are forced to adapt to climate change. It dictates what you can and cannot do at different times of the year depending on where you live.
Some things are simply impossible.
That is not a bad thing. It is actually a good thing.
Change is wonderful and exciting and absolutely necessary.
Without change and growth life becomes stagnate and my opionion pointless.
Life is about finding our PURPOSE. We can not do that by remaining the same.
Life is about being lived. LIVED FULLY.
That means that we will have bumps,bruises, get beat up by life have heartache, joy, stress and triumph.
It all builds our character.
Some fall into the role of VICTIM. I know, I played that role for many years.
Where did it get me? Where will it get you? NOWHERE.
My suggestion to all is to fully EMBRACE Change. Allow yourselves all of the wonders that come with a life lived FREELY without fear.
FEAR IS OUR WORST ENEMY. Stops so many from living.
In life we must follow are heart and be guided by the light.
The new year is almost upon us and a great time to decided to do things differently.
Wishing freedom to all.
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